Fiddlers Grove Woodcarvers
Lebanon, TN
March 2021 Newsletter

Old Business:

1. We have been asked to participate in the following events in Granville, TN

April 10, 2021 -- Grand Opening
May 29, 2021 -- Heritage Day
October 2, 2021 -- Fall Celebration
For more information on Granville events, click here.

2. The Renegade Woodcarvers Roundup - March 22, 2021 - March 26, 2021 -- sponsored by Steve Brown still has openings if anyone is interested. It is a five-day event held in the Veterans building at Fiddlers Grove. For more information and registration forms, click here.

New Business:

1. We will begin having our monthly, full-membership meetings at the Town Hall, Fiddlers Grove beginning on Saturday, April 10, 2021 from 9:00am to noon. We would love to have everyone there but don't feel obligated to attend if you feel uncomfortable because of COVID.

2. We will continue to have our Tuesday carving sessions at Butch Barnes' shop from 1:00pm to 4:00pm until I can get a rotation started. Gene and Phil have also offered to meet at their shops so we will begin a rotation as soon as I can get a schedule together. Phil moved into his new home on March 2nd but we want to wait until he is completely unpacked and settled before we put him on the rotation. We will also meet at the Town Hall on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 6:00pm to 9:00pm to accommodate any members who can't attend during the daytime hours.

3. Upcoming events: Neddy Jacobs Heritage Day at Fiddlers Grove will be Saturday, June 5th from 9:00am - 3:00pm. I haven't heard from Gwen yet but we typically have a presence there. Click here for more information on Neddy Jacobs Day.

4. The North Arkansas Woodcarvers will host their 41st Woodcarving Show and Sale on May 1st and 2nd at the Baxter County Fairgrounds in Mountain Home, AR (SE of Branson and about 400 miles away). There are over 50 competitive categories to enter your woodcarvings and you can rent a table for $35 to sell your carvings. Click here for more information.

5. The Wilson County Fair will be held this year from August 12th to the 21st. Put these dates on your calendar since we always participate in the fair as Fiddlers Grove artisans. For more information on the fair, click here.

6. As you can see, we now have a website for the club so we will have a web presence which will hopefully help attract new members. I was able to acquire the domain name for us to use as long as we pay the $12.00 yearly fee. I am hosting it from the account I have for my personal webpage so there is no additional cost for that. The web address is 24-letters long and a bit cumbersome but after a lot of thought, it seemed like the best alternative. The biggest challenge will be having to key in 24 letters on a cell phone or tablet without goofing up a letter. If you can bookmark it, that would be best. The web site will evolve over time but this is a start and will provide the framework for future enhancements. It is a bit "old school" because I am old school and I have not kept up with the latest CSS and javascript enhancements that are being used now to "jazz" up a website.

If you see any errors, please let me know so I can fix them -- after looking at it for so many hours (with old eyes) everything seems to blend together and I don't always see things. Also, please let me know if you have any suggestions to enhance the site keeping in mind that I may not have the skills to do what you suggest nor the inclination/desire to learn how to do it. Don't let that stop you from suggesting though since I may be able to surprise you!

7. Please keep Dedee Beveridge in your prayers since she has had a bit of a mishap and sent me the following picture to prove it! She was wanting to attend our meetings once we start up but she said she can't climb stairs nor drive a car so she is out of commission for a while. She fell and broke a bone in her foot and sprained her ankle. She will be in a cast for a month then hopefully move up to a boot cast. Dedee, we all have you in our prayers and hope you get well soon.

Show & Tell

The following message came from Patricia -- I am including it here so eveyone has an update on our other members. Unfortunately, we have not been able to meet so I thought I would include any information I have from members.

Here's a photo of something I have done just so y'all don't think I've just sat home and done nothing this past year, even though that is pretty much what I've done...nothing. These are not exactly carvings, but my take on an angel that I bought at Sea World last January. Sorry that the photo isn't real clear. These are made out of wine corks, painted by me. The heads are round beads. The wings are a birch mat fabric. The one I bought had wings made out of really thin cork, but I couldn't find any of that. I think I like the birch much better. I was going to put gold leaf on the inside of the wings, but for some reason the gold leaf wouldn't adhere. I am going to keep working on that. Hope to see all of you soon. I had planned on getting to Butch's, but my husband is playing travel ball again so it'll be a couple of weeks before I have some free time. Stay safe. (Oh, I did get both COVID vaccines. I had a terrible reaction to the second one, but I have survived!)

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